Mastercard Payment Services Denmark A/S makes this website available as a service and source of information. The information provided on the website is as accurate as possible. Mastercard Payment Services accepts no liability arising from errors or omissions in the information provided on this website.
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This website contains links to other websites. Mastercard Payment Services is unable to monitor the content or availability of these websites and accepts no liability for the use of links or other websites. Cookies and tracking We use cookies on our website to help optimize and enhance your experience.
Mastercard Payment Services use SiteCatalyst from Adobe Systems for tracking. Tracking data can be stored outside the EEA, in which case this is done in compliance with the Privacy Act, including the EU Model Contract or the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles. We collect anonymous usage information about our services and visit on our sites for statistical purposes (eg number of visits to different pages) and to improve our services. We also collect information about the PC and mobile device you log on to our sites from (not personal information).
The information we collect about your computer and mobile device include:
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